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Lions Gate portalWhen you feel a great need to do something, it is usually Spirit nudging you to take certain action.

So on Saturday I had the absolute pleasure of being attuned by my friend Ellyn to the energy of Reiki. I was bowled over by the intensity of the energy. I feel even closer now to my Higher Self and I know the attunement has helped to raise my vibration even more! Reiki is universal life force energy and it is an extremely powerful healing energy. Ellyn is a wonderful healer and she has a storehouse of practical experience which she shares with you. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, Ellyn will still be able to give you the attunements remotely via Skype.

Since I was attuned on Saturday I’ve sent Reiki to my sister in South Africa and to some friends in the USA. Each time I invoke the energy I am benefiting also, as it flows through me and uses me as its channel. I really recommend Reiki to anyone, even if you do not consider yourself a healer. It is an energy booster and will help to raise your vibration for sure! The more you use it, the more you will benefit.

For those of you who don’t know Reiki, it is an ancient form of holistic healing that originated from Japan. It is a tool that you can use for yourself or on others. You can use it for healing (balancing and clearing) people, animals, crystals and the environment. There are even some who say it will give extra life to a supposedly flat battery! I believe universal life force energy is capable of performing any kind of miracle, and energy knows no bounds, no time and space, and as long as your intention is for your highest good and that of the Collective, the energy will flow. Reiki adjusts itself to your needs and the needs of the recipient, so there is never a case where someone can receive too much.

What I didn’t realize initially, is because this energy flows through from the Universal Center, and through your Higher Self to you, it will strengthen your connection to Self. Since this is what we are all striving to do within our current transition phase, it can be of huge benefit to you also. I know that I was guided by Michael to have the attunement for this very purpose. Since becoming attuned I have felt huge amounts of energy flowing through my crown chakra, which I believe is preparing me for the next Lion’s Gate on 8th August. This energy is already being felt by all and the intensity will continue to increase over the next 9 days.

If you would like to know more about becoming attuned to this wonderful energy, please contact Ellyn over at The Light Path.

Un-copywrited. If you would like to share this message, you do so with my blessing. I ask only that you include a link back to my blog: http://archangelanddevas.wordpress.com