Crystals – M


malachite propertiesMalachite is a stone of transformation and helps with change and spiritual evolution. It can clear and activate all of your Chakras, as well as balance them. It bridges the energy of your Heart and Base Chakras and is particularly useful for balancing and clearing your Heart Chakra. Because of this, it helps balance pure love, romance, and your own well-being. Malachite is a stone of material stability, bringing good fortune, prosperity and abundance too. It is also a very protective stone, being especially helpful for general physical protection, protection from evil, protection during pregnancy and childbirth, and protection for children. It is also an excellent protection stone during flying and other travel. The stone is often used for counteracting self-destructive romantic tendencies and helps to encourage true, pure love. Malachite is also good for enhancing emotional stability and balance in general. Physically, it can be helpful for decreasing radiation illness, asthma, arthritis, and tumours.

Chakras: Base, Heart, Solar Plexus, Soul Star, Third Eye, Thymus


MoonstoneGrab a Moonstone when you need to feel balanced or are changing aspects in your life. It brings calm through awareness and provides the energy to sustain you through stages of growth. It’s a highly intuitive stone that allows self-expression and creativity to your energy flow. You can carry it to provide protection while travelling and as a bringer of good fortune. Moonstone eliminates all the bullshit, presenting you with only truth. Bestowing purity and connection to the Divine, it softens and enhances your capability for giving and receiving, and supports your emotional life. It opens up your Heart Chakra and allows the energy to heal the lower Chakras. Moonstone is nurturing and harmonious, and when the moon is waning it helps you to look into the future. Its protective powers are strongest when the moon is full or waxing. It is one of the best stones used to promote ease of pregnancy and childbirth, to enhance fertility, relieve PMS, to eliminate insomnia and circulatory disorders. Blue Moonstone creates a balanced, whole and unified energy field, absorbed in Divine Light. It assists active, aggressive people to open to their more gentle, nurturing natures and brings harmony into hormonal imbalances. Pink / Peach Moonstone is extremely gentle and is an excellent choice for working directly with children.

Chakras: Base, Earth Star, Heart, Link, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Universal Gateway

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